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Create a new virtual host configuration

In Apache, the virtual host file allows you to specify multiple configuration parameters using individual configuration files which can then be selectively activated and deactivated when necessary. Since your installation uses a largely default configuration, your configuration file will not require much modification.

Perform the following steps to create and activate a new virtual host configuration file for your Statamic site:

  1. In the terminal, change to the sites available directory:

    cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
  2. Create a new virtual host configuration file for your Statamic site by copying the "000-default.conf" file. There isn't a strict naming requirement, but recommends giving it the same name as your project folder:

    cp 000-default.conf exampleSite.conf
  3. Using VIM, open your new .conf file:

    sudo vim exampleSite.conf
  4. Append your site directory to the "DocumentRoot: /var/www/html/" configuration parameter:

    DocumentRoot: /var/www/html/exampleSite/
  5. Save your configuration file with the following keystrokes:

    • :w
    • :q
    • ENTER
  6. Enable your virtual host file using the a2ensite command:

    sudo a2ensite exampleSite.conf
  7. Validate your configuration file by running the apachectl command with the -t option to check for syntax errors:

    sudo apache2ctl -t
  8. Restart Apache to apply the new configuration:

    sudo apache2ctl restart