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My Documentation Process#

Much like developing a product, writing documentation moves through distinct phases. Adhere to these, and you set yourself up for success. The following phases summarize my understanding of an ideal documentation process:

  • Awareness
  • Preparation
  • Execution
  • Revision
  • Publication
  • Support


My documentation process starts long before I put pen to paper. Before I can consider writing effective documentation, I must know what I'm writing about, how it works, and who I'm working with. I generally break this down into the following two categories:

  • Build Relationships

    • Scrum with engineering and PM
    • Work with other writers
    • Meet with support and QA
  • Research

    • Read existing documentation, product plans, product specs
    • Try the product, get stuck, break things
    • Take notes
    • Eat lunch with engineering

By doing these actions on a regular basis, I grow my technical knowledge of the product, understand the direction it is heading as a product, and identify upcoming features that may require documentation.


Once I've identified a feature as requiring documentation, I prepare to write about it by narrowing my focus:

  • Announce ownership of documentation for a feature
  • Read feature specs
  • Reach out to stakeholders in engineering and QA
  • Acquire access to test environments
  • Perform user steps


In this phase, I produce distinct deliverables:

Project plan (statement of work): A document that contains deadlines, isolates feature scope, identifies stakeholders, describes what work will be done.

Outline: A document that specifies where in the existing documentation new writing will go, describes modifications to existing sections and new sections, plans the organizational layout of the document to be written.

Draft: content-complete documentation written in accordance with the project plan and outline.


Once I complete my draft, I send it for review to stakeholders and peers to ensure technical accuracy and quality of writing. I make requested edits and respond to feedback, always ensuring I clearly identify my request and specify a time-frame for responses.


In this phase, I publish the document. Depending on the documentation infrastructure, this may require syntax conversion, merging branches, or deployment.


Just because a document has been published, does not mean it is perfect or requires no updates. I support my documents by reviewing analytics, responding to customer feedback, and providing content updates as the product changes.