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#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
// create buffer array to store raw file contents.unsigned char buffer[512];char fileName[7];FILE *filePtr = 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    // remember filenames    char *rawFile = argv[1];
    // open input file    FILE *inFile = fopen(rawFile, "r");
    // checking command line arguments    if(arc != 2)    {        fprintf(stderr, "Incorrect number of command line arguments");        return 1;    }
    // making sure file is able to be opened    if(inFile == NULL)    {        fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open file");        return 2;    }
    // initializing variables for the do/while loop    int n;    int doCount = 0;
    // loop to iterate through the raw file    do    {
        // read 512 bytes into a buffer        n = fread(buffer, 1, 512, inFile);
        // gating any further logic behind a block check        if (n == 512)        {            // look for start of new jpeg            if( buffer[0] == 0xff &&                buffer[1] == 0xd8 &&                buffer[2] == 0xff &&                (buffer[3] & 0xf0) == 0xe0)            {
                // checking to see if we've started writing any files yet                if(doCount > 0)                {                    // close file here                    fclose(filePtr);                }
                // incrementing file counter                doCount++;
                // printing file counter into an array of characters for a filename                sprintf(fileName, "%d.jpg", doCount);
                // writing a file with the filename created above                filePtr = fopen(fileName, "w");            }
            // a gate to make sure we don't write any data until after we encounter a jpg header, create a file to start writing to            if(doCount > 0)            {                fwrite(buffer, 1, 512, filePtr);            }        }
    }    // running while there are blocks    while(n == 512);
    // close the raw file    fclose(inFile);
    // success    return 0;}