#include <stdio.h>#include <cs50.h>#include <math.h>float x;int q;int d;int n;int p;long int y;int main(void){ do { printf("Change: "); x = get_float(); } while(x < 0); x = x * 100; y = lroundf(x); //printf("%li", y); // just checking do { if(y >= 25) { y = y - 25; q++; } } while(y - 25 >= 0); //printf("%li", y); do { if(y >= 10) { y = y - 10; d++; } } while(y - 10 >= 0); //printf("%li", y); do { if(y >= 5) { y = y - 5; n++; } } while(y - 5 >= 0); //printf("%li", y); do { if(y >= 1) { y = y - 1; p++; } } while(y - 1 >= 0); // printf("%li", y); // printf("%i Quarters\n %i Dimes\n %i Nickels\n %i Pennies\n", q, d, n, p); printf("%i\n", q + d + n + p); // need to output just a single number of coins for their check program}/* Spec requirements:Write, in a file called greedy.c in your ~/workspace/pset1/ directory, a program that first asks the user how much change is owed and then spits out the minimum number of coins with which said change can be made. Use get_float from the CS50 Library to get the user’s input and printf from the Standard I/O library to output your answer. Assume that the only coins available are quarters (25¢), dimes (10¢), nickels (5¢), and pennies (1¢). */