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API Documentation Automation

# fetch needed packages and modules
# we'll use this to call the API using HTTPimport urllib.request
# we'll use this to convert JSON data into YAMLimport yaml
# we'll use this to parse string data into JSONimport simplejson
# we'll use this to make file backupsfrom shutil import copyfile
# we'll use regex to look for the YAML we want to replaceimport re
# set the API path variable for the documentation endpoint heredocUrl = 'http://api.test:5656/api/v1/docs'
# using the url library, grab the JSON docs data and save it into an objectdocObj = urllib.request.urlopen( docUrl, data = None )
# save that data into a buffer by reading (with the read function) from the memory address saved at docObjdocDat =
# Convert byte data into string data to allow parsing using the decode() functionstringDat = docDat.decode("utf-8")
# parse JSON from a string using the simplejson library's .loads() methodjsonDat = simplejson.loads(stringDat)
# parse YAML data from the JSON data we just created using the PyYAML library's .dump(method)yamlDat= yaml.dump(jsonDat)
# make a copy of in case something goes wrong, name it "docUpdate.bak". This implementation overwrites the backup every time the script is run. The underscore should help hide the file from Statamic.copyfile('', '_docUpdate.bak')
# open and read it into a buffer using r+, so it can be updated laterindexFile = open('', 'r+')indexRead =
# parse, looking for the '#parseMe' and '#parseStop' flags# within the parse flags, write the new API data into the content#   This regex:#       opens the group: "("#       matches "#parseMe"#       but uses a positive lookbehind "?<=" to match only the string AFTER "#parseMe"#       uses '(?s)'to enable the wildcard '(.*)' to match every character on every line#       matches "#parseStop" and the new line character sequence "\n"#       but uses a positive lookahead "?=" to match only the string BEFORE "#parseStop"#       closes the group ")"indexWrite = re.sub('(?<=#parseMe\n)(?s)(.*)(?=#parseStop)', yamlDat, indexRead)
# adjust stream position back to the beginning of the
# clear the file in preparation for writing the new dataindexFile.truncate(0)
# write the newly modified data into the fileindexFile.write(indexWrite)
# close the fileindexFile.close()
# indicate completionprint('docUpdate completed')